Monday, June 2, 2014

A miracle

Yesterday I had two amazing phone calls that made me so happy that I couldn't sleep. Do you remember the investigator I was teaching in Villa Mitre named Orlando? Well, I had taught him with Hermana Pinnock and Hermana Asencios.
He dropped us because he said that he didn't want to continue with the lessons and didn't want to keep reading the Book of Mormon because he had heard that we had another gospel than what the Bible taught. I got news a couple of months ago that Orlando had been baptized after I left the area. I was so excited when I heard this news!  Well, yesterday the Assistant to the Presidente called us and told me that Orlando had gone to the Temple this weekend with the ward and that he loved it!
And then, Presidente Parreño called me and told me that not only had Orlando gone to the Temple but that he had found his brother (Orlando was an orphan and was in the process of finding his family when we were teaching him).  And then Presidente Parreño said that one of the brothers he had found is a bishop in the LDS church!
Family, I can't tell you how happy I was in that moment. Presidente Parreño told me that Orlando and this man were talking after some church meeting and that they started talking about where they were from, and the conversation led to them finding out that they were brothers!!! I am so happy!
I just wanted to tell you this! Thank you for always telling me to have faith and to not give up when people choose not to listen to us.

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