Monday, June 16, 2014

Email from la Hermana Williams

Buen Lunes:)

I feel like it has been an eternity since I have last written but it has only been one week! I'll start with the somewhat bad news first, that Rocío has told us that she doesn't want to keep trying for the 21st as her baptismal date, that she doesnt feel ready. BUT we are not going to give up on her. She is so ready to make this step and we want it so bad for her.
And I have, I guess you could say, a new point of view about the missionary work. I realized through a little bit of trials that really the best way to go about missionary work is to have yourself immersed in the gospel. Now that seems a little obvious but recently I was feeling like I wasn't really teaching the people or like my words didn't have meaning and it came to me that its because most of the time I rely on my own words to teach. But what I should do, and what we all should do is teach others by the words of the prophets who have been called of God. In other words: teach by the scriptures!! More specifically the Book of Mormon. Also, it is so important to help others realized the need for the Restoration and the role of the prophet Joseph Smith in this time and in the Book of Mormon. A testimony of these things and of God and His son, Jesus Christ will create a true conversion. So we are going to be focusing on that and killing the people with love and scriptures;)

We had the opportunity to have dinner with this family that loooves us but never has time to meet with us. We ended up talking about missions and our religion and now she is a new investigator! We may not have been able to teach her a lesson but my companion and I just have a really good feeling about them and are hoping that through teaching them of God and Christ by the words of the scriptures and our testimonies, they can come to the gospel and find the true, eternal happiness:)

One really cool experience we had was walking down the street and there was a young woman walking behind us and we had to stop to look at the map for something when she passed us by. A few minutes passed and Hermana Zubeldia asked me what I thought of that girl then said she though we should talk to her. Well, we had lost her, so there was no way to talk to her. haha. But almost 20 minutes later there was a girl in the street waiting for a bus and we started talking to her. (I didnt know till later that it was the same person!!) We got her address and are going to visit her this week:) Just realizing that we have tiny miracles all the time really strengthens my faith and helps me feel more my Savior's and Father's love for me.

Last thing is our trip to Olavarria yesterday as a branch. They are planning in combining two cities into a Stake! So we traveled there with everyone and one thing that one of the Area Seventy said somehting that struck me. He talked about how they have a few missionaries that left from the ward and to think about how we would want them to be treated or if they had their son or daughter on the mission and how they would want them to be treated. This is how we must treat the missionaries in our wards or branches. That really the work of a member is so important to the missionary work. That the missionaries are here to teach and that in successful missions, the members are doing the finding and the missionaries teach. This isn't to tell the members that if they don't have people to teach they arent doing their job.
But really, for example, our mission president and his wife are such an example to us of "talk to everyone". They are always sharing the Gospel and helping the missionary work. THIS is what we are called to do as part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Preach to all the word of the Lord. That together we need to put into march the mechanism of faith and invite our friends, family, all to come to the gospel and not fear it! Because we will be surprised how many people come to have a testimony because of our invitations. 
There are people looking for the truth, they just don't know where to find it. BE that light that they are looking for, and God will be with you in what you need to do and say.

LOVE you all and I LOVE this work!
Hermana Williams

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