Monday, June 16, 2014

Tandil is growing!

Dear Family,

Happy Fathers day Papi!! I hope you enjoyed it! You are the best dad ever!!  Thank you for everything Papi!!

What a fantastic week here in Tandil. We have been having a lot of work to do. We haven't been finding that many people but we sure are busy helping the people we have gain a testimony slowly but surely. We haven't been able to find them and teach them but they told us they are reading the Book of Mormon. My companion and I are trying a lot harder to use the Book of Mormon as the source of testimonies.  WE are trying to do this because if they have a testimony that the Book of Mormon is true, then they will know that this is the Church of Jesus Christ, and then they will understand the why behind everything else we teach.  

Olavarría is just as cold as Tandil.
The highlight of the week was that we went to Olvarría! It is a city 1-1/2 hour away from Tandil.  The District of Tandil and the District of Olvarría were merged into one District for the two cities.  We now have a new District President and new leaders.  Its going to be a wonderful step in the history of the church here. The work is definitely hastening and moving forward. President Parreño and la Hermana Parreño presided and gave wonderful addresses.  Also, an area seventy came.  There were tons of people at the meeting.
Me, Rocío, Hnas. Zurita, Williams and Cruz
We were given permission to travel with the District in the "collectivo" (buses) to Olavarría. And guess what? Rocío, our investigator, came too!! Her 2nd cousin, who is a member, drove her and her sister to Olvarría!! She was able to meet with Presidente and Hermana Parreño! She liked the meeting a lot. 

So, if you didn't know, the world cup started this week! Yep, this means that during the games no one is on the streets!! Yesterday, Argentina played ( I think they won because the cars started honking around 9 pm) and there was no one, absolutely no one outside!!! Mexico played, Spain played and Argentina played this week, so I guess that Pablo, Sarah and I were in the same boat! jaja! Each day we know who is playing and at what time so that we can talk to the people about the mundial and then talk about the church!!

We also had "refuerzos" this week in Rama 4. We all worked in Rama 4 (Branch 4) and helped them find people! We found a lot of great people for them. Miracles happen when we work together in this work and help others come unto Christ. 

And don't worry, I am eating well... too well actually! We have lunch everyday with members and they always feed us really good. We also had lunch with an investigator and her family! Their daughter just loves us!!! She said she wants to be a missionary when she grows up!!  

I love being a missionary. I love the work and I love learning about the gospel.  Truly, the work is hastening and moving forward really fast. Each day there are more people who are ready to hear the gospel, we just need to find them. The world is changing, standards are dropping, the youth are losing their way and people are trying to live life by themselves. The world is in confusion, wars are starting and people are lost.
This week while I was reading in Alma I read a verse in the war chapters that struck to me. In Alma 48 the lamanites (Amalickiah) and the nephites (Moroni) are in battle. And even during the battle Helaman and his brothers kept sharing the gospel (verse 19).  Even in the darkening world we can still have hope that the gospel will never stop and will only keep growing. We are on the winning team with the Lord at command.
I hope that you all remember that this is the work of Salvation, the work of helping the children of God return to His presence. Smile to someone today and give them a compliment and share with them this wonderful message. A smile can really change the world (Spiritually Minded is Life Eternal)! :)

I love you all so very much!!!

Hermana Susana Zubeldia
Hermana Cruz, Hermana Zurita and me.

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