Monday, June 2, 2014

Miracles happen in Tandil! but its according to our obedience!

Dear Family,

This has been a fantastic week! Truly, miracles happen.
So, this week we sang at a baptism. My companion and I sang the primary song, "I'm trying to be like Jesus." I don't know why they asked us to sing, but I think it turned out pretty good. haha. During our practices we couldn't stop laughing and I was so afraid that we were going to break into laughter during the baptism! The baptism was beautiful. The spirit was really strong and our investigator  Rocío came! She is progressing slowly but surely!

Also, we actually taught a whole lesson in English to someone. It was super strange to speak and teach in English. The lady we taught had lived in Kentucky her whole life but is now living here.  I thought it would be easy to teach in English but it was actually a little difficult to find the right words. After speaking in Spanish a whole year I have been losing some English!!

This week I have been thinking a lot about obedience and the reason why we are given commandments.  This morning I was reading in Alma 36 and Alma 37 and I learned a lot. I love my study sessions and the things I learn each and everyday. I wish I had studied more the scriptures before the mission. I missed out on a lot. I am so grateful for learning how to study a little better and I hope that after my mission I can continue this practice. 
"Y ahora, hijo mío, tengo algo que decir  concerniente a lo que nuestros padres llaman esfera o director, o que ellos llamaron Liahona, que interpretado quiere decir brújula, y el Señor la preparó... y  obró por ellos según su fé en Dios. Por tanto, si tenían fé para creer que Dios podía hacer que aquellas agujas indicaren el camino... así sucedía... Pues he aquí, tan fácil es prestar atención a la palabra de Cristo, que te indicará un curso directo a la felicidad eterna... Porque tan cierto como este director trajo a nuestros padres a la tierra prometida... así las palabras de Cristo, si seguimos su curso, nos llevan mas allá de este valle de dolor a una tierra de promisión mucho mejor... Oh familia mia, no seamos perezosos por la facilidad que presenta la senda, porque así sucedió con nuestros padres, pues  así les fué dispuesto, para que viviesen si miraban. Así también es con nosotros. La vía está preparada, y si queremos mirar, podremos vivir para siempre." (Alma 37:38-46)  Sorry for those who don't understand Spanish. You can read the scripture reference I posted! 
I know that the path is set. All we need to do is have faith and be obedient to the little commandments. Its through the simple things that big things happen. The path is set, the way given and its up to us to look and live, to walk it.

I love you all so very much! Have a great week!!!!

Hermana Susana Zubeldia
The weather is getting cold in Tandil.

Hermana Rene (a member) and her husband.

Rene is really sick and we went to visit her

My companion Hermana Williams in front of a catholic church

My hair is growing very long.

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