Monday, April 28, 2014

Report from la Hermana Williams


This week wasn't super crazy but guess what?! We finally get to move out of the gross Élder apartment!! haha I am super stoked about that. Literally when the Elders told us that we could move, my face got all lit up and I said "¿¿Si??" With my face all happy and he totally ended up cracking up at me... what can I say? I'm ready to move into our clean house:)
Some things that happened this week are:
1. We did service for a less active, kind of elderly woman in our branch. She invited us over for lunch last week so we went over and it was delicious. Then we raked leaves in her huge yard and picked up all the walnuts. I actually enjoyed myself a bunch and it was super interesting wearing pants again...:P We are going to do it again in a couple weeks!
2. There was a day that we were super behind after lunch with a member and we had to wait hours in our actual house while they were putting up the gates for us to move back in and we just felt like we had wasted our whole day. It was hard to feel motivated I guess. But we just kept walking and contacting. Then the miracle happened. We, in two separate doors we contacted, found two FAMILIES. That doesnt happen often but we talked so much with both families and they have so much potential. They both said we could stop by again and with one we shared a little of the Plan of Salvation. She believes that they can be an eternal family! OH I just felt the spirit guiding us with what to say and where to go even though we were having a hard time.
3. Later that same day we taught the new investigator, Mari, from the Dominican Republic lesson 1. She actually had a bunch of questions for us about life that we have the answers to but we felt prompted to teach lesson 1. It went super well. I was having a hard time at first getting my words out but then I actually felt my mind go blank and I just talked. I just focused on what I knew and let the Spirit guide me. I don't really remember what I said but I do feel like I gave it my best:) And she said she would pray that night to know if the things we taught her were true.
4. There was a baptism in a different branch in Tandil that we got to go to, a family of 3. They were super happy and great. I love seeing these people making the change because they have a testimony of the Gospel. I love talking to these amazing members who try so hard to help the missionaries and strenghthen their testimonies. I love how my testimony grows from them and also from the other missionaries here. And I love my Father in Heaven, His son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost.
Before I leave you today I just want you to know that I love what the gospel gives me. It gives me light, happiness, knowledge, hope and I know that even though I'm not perfect God sees my effort. He accepts and loves my effort to come back to Him someday. And if I do my part and you all do your part He will help us along the way. He already has.

Love you all
Hermana Williams

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