Monday, May 5, 2014

Another mensaje from Hermana Lauren Williams

Good morning :D

This week my sister turned 8 year old!!! AH She is going to be baptized :') That's one thing that happened this week, and now im gonna talk about P-day...
Monday we went to the castle with all of our zone and all the Elders were ridiculous haha. First of all we have to climb a hill to get to the castle and they told us we were going to play games to get to the top! So they chose all four of us Hermanas to go first so we did the 3 legged race and guess what happened... they made us go ALL the way! haha It was so far but at the end we had a devotional and they talked to us about our trial. I will talk about that at the end:P
Real quick the other things that happened this week are: 1. we have had "refuerzos" in all the other areas of Tandil. Where all 14 of us missionaries work in one of the areas. There are 5 here and it was a lot of work... a lot of walking and just tiresome but wow we found so many people doing this. We also worked with a different companion each day. For us Hermanas there are only 3 others to choose from so we just switched around everyday haha but we found one person one day.
I was with Hermana Zubeldia, my actual companion. But this man we found with his family was one of the sweetest, nicest people I have ever met. He hadn't met us before but he was so respectful and offered us his time, and to come into his house. We coudn't because his wife was gone but he had really interesting questions for us. One of them was somethings like "so you two have said that you have had to go through your own problems and find out for yourself if what you teach is true... so if I can ask, what is one of the hardest things you have gone though in your life?" Wow, right!? But if you know me I love questions like that where I can just tell my story and testify! So I told him an answer after my companion, and he told me he loved my answer. That he can tell that we really do have a testimony of these things and he respected that. Now this man isn't in our area:/ and I don't know what has happened with him since but I felt the spirit so strong and the love that God has for him. I have such a desire to help him and these people gain testimonies for their own. People prepared like him are out there... we just need to search and find them!

Now the devotional for our P-day:
They talked about how at times it was sure to have felt like we were working solo. Sometimes your feet aren't connected and you step separately throwing off your balance. And sometimes you aren't paying attention to the person who you are tied to. The goal is to work together and learn from each other so you can reach the top with as much success as possible. This ties to companionships on the mission and also married couples. We need to always work with our companion. Not always are we on the same page and we have selfish thoughts but our purpose is to put those thoughts aside and make decisions together. Also we are not alone in our trials. We have a companion to help us up the mountain but we also have the voice of the Holy Ghost and help from God and our savior Jesus Christ. With these things we can get through any trial. Just have the faith!
This work is tough but what a BLESSING. 
Listen to the spirit and recognize your blessings!

Thank you all for being the amazing, steadfast people you are,
Hermana Lauren Williams
Tandil from the castle

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