Monday, April 14, 2014

Tandil week 8 (from Lauren Brooke Williams )

Buenas tardes todos!

Sorry that it is so late but we had interviews this morning with our Mission President for 3 hours! It kind of took up a lot of time but Hermana Parreño, his wife, really helped us out a lot as she spoke to us during all the interviews. We have been focusing a lot this past week on finding people and visiting lots of members. Because this week we just realized that we have been looking and looking for people to teach but really SO much of the success we have is when we can receive references from members. There have been so many people to tell us that too, so our focus this week is to work really hard with the members and to be like Christ. To really be His representatives so the members want to give us their friends and family to teach. It is so important for us to always be examples to others! 

One day we were walking really far in our area (it's huge) and threre was a woman and two kids walking. We were on our way to an investigator's house (Melisa) but I had a feeling to talk to these people. And guess what... her brother used to be a member of our church and she said we could pass by another day! So we passed by and she ended up not paying attention to anything we said but we were talking for a long time with her mom Luján (Luhan). Luján started crying and said we arrived just at the moment when she was having a really hard time that day. Her son has had lots of problems since he left the church... LOTS, and she lost communication with him. We just simply listened to her and tried to give her love. She told us she wants nothing with religion that we can come back. Honestly it was a miracle that we found her. We are going to try to teach her that peace, happiness, and joy can come from the church and faith in Jesus Christ.

This investigator Melisa is "together" with a man. She has two kids, one that is his, and he is a character, a little disrespectful but we still wanted to teach them. Well he told us he wasn't interested straight up but she told us that we could still come by for her so we will see what happens! She has so much potential to really feel of the love of Christ for her and find true happiness and safety for her two little kids.

As for Analia, we are going to leave her for sure... Her husband said he doesn't want to hear from us anymore but she loves us. I just think we need to give her space and see if she realizes how special it is when we go to her house and tesfify of the truthfulness of this gospel. 

We also found this less active girl, 20 years old who wants to come back to church. We were able to meet her and her mom who is a member and her siblings who aren't members. They are a fantastic family!! We just felt such a good spirit and know that they are going to return to church and hopefully we can teach the other kids how wonderful all the members are and that they can be truly happy having a testimony of Jesus and his gospel too.

We have not found Guillermo yet so we will be REALLY trying hard this week to find him since its been one week now:(

And there is a tiny more but I have to go! One more thing, we are going to try to do English classes this week so pray that we can have good experiences with these people and teach English well!

Lots of love and thank yous to you all!!
Hermana Williams

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