Monday, May 12, 2014

Right after Mother's Day (Hermana Williams)

Buen Día a todos!

Today I am filled so much with the spirit. We just finished our zone conference and literally it was SO AMAZING. Just to sum it up for lack of time, the President talked to us for a while and then the assistants talked about inviting people to have baptismal dates. This part of missionary work is so important because without it there is no goal for the people to work towards, there is no motivation! So as missionaries we need to remember our covenants with God and invite these people to ACT. So that they, too, can have the sacred opportunity to make covenants with our Father in Heaven.
Hermanas Parreño, Cruz y Zubeldia, after Zone Conference
Then we 4 sisters sang "I know that my Redeemer Lives" in Spanish and it was so beautiful to sing that. It just left a lingering spirit in our hearts which lead perfectly in to the Presidents final message. He shared with us a video that touched my heart entirely. I told my family already but I invite all who can and others to wait until after the mission to watch it. It  is about a man named Nico Cabralia (I'm pretty sure) How his life is an inspiration to us to never give up and always have faith in the Lord. That there is no reason to not have hope. We are SONS and DAUGHTERS of the Almighty God and have the divine potential to be perfect like Him and return to live with Him. 
Tings that happened in the week:
On Skype with my family for Mother's Day.
1. I talked to my amazing family and I want them to know that I love them dearly and bear testimony of my love and gratitude for them all the time to the people of Argentina.
2. We found so many new investigators this week as a zone and our energy and attitude is just spectacular. How we all help build eachother up as a team, as a family, is just such a testimony builder. One of the people we ended up teaching acepted a baptimsal date! The 7th of June!! Her name is Sol and she is my age! We are so excited to work with her and realize that the message we bring, of the restored gospel, is TRUE! We have so many more new people to teach and I can't write all aobut them at this time but I will keep everyopne up to date with who we keep in contact with. :) 
3. The last thing I have time to write is that we had a fireside Sunday night that me and my companion had to introduce (10-15 min) and we did a short practice beforehand to see what we wanted to say. We felt the spirit working so strong in us because we took the time to prepare even for 5 minutes and we finished with a prayer. When we talked to everyone. It all came out so easy because we practiced and I haven't had so many people come up to me before and thank me. Thank me for my dilligence and tell me that my ablility to speak has improved so much. That I have no reason to fear becasue they all can understand me and I just felt so blessed by the Lord. 

I just want to share that I really do have a testimony of the work. This week has been so full of miracles that I never want to forget. I want to testify of the power of missionary work. Not just in us missionaries but in every member of this Church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints. IT IS TRUE. And when missionaries and members can really come together and share the gospel WITH their testimonies, there will be such a wave of true conversions that our Heavenly Father will have nothing to do but give us blessings. For when we do our part, He will do His, and bless and help His children. This is His work and we CAN do ALL things with faith, obedience, and ACTING to do our best everyday. I LOVE being a missionary. 

Reach your potential and be the missionary God wants you to be!
Les Quiero!
Hermana Williams
Hermana Zubeldia talking with her family.

My amazing Williams family.

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