Monday, May 19, 2014

Transfer #8 Tandil!

Dear Family,

I love you all so very much!!! This has been a fantastic week. I probably don't write as good as Pablo, and my letters aren't like his but I will try to write better letters to you all! Really, I want to tell you more so you know kinda (like 10%) of what I do! haha!


1. TRANSFERS!!! I am staying here in Tandil with Hermana Williams! Three transfers together! We are going to see so many Miracles this transfer. We want to put in our 100% every day of this next transfer!  I am so excited and happy to be with Hermana Williams again. She is a fantastic missionary. I have learned a lot from her. She helps me try to reach my goals and try to do better everyday. I love her and I am so grateful to get to serve with her again. Just like Pablo, I  have been blessed with phenomenal companions!
***(6 months in Villa Mitre with Hermana Pinnock, Hermana Silva, and Hermana Asencios -- and 4 months here in Tandil with Hermana Williams!)
2. After 70 years, Tandil and Olavarría are going to join together and become a Stake (its a preliminary union)! I am so excited to be here for this wonderful historical event in the history of the Church of Tandil! It gives me so much hope that Tandil is soon going to grow with new members. I want to help build the Church here and make it stronger for generations to come! 

3. 5 investigadores came to church yesterday!

This week was full of miracles!!! I  learned so much this week. My mission president in our Zone conference last week said something that I am going to put as my motto for this transfer. He said, "I am realistic, I expect miracles!"  Miracles happen because this is the Lords work. "Have miracles ceased my beloved brethren? I say unto you, no, they have not ceased, neither has ceased the ministering of Angels unto men." (Moroni 7:29
We have been privileged to have many people to teach. Many say, that Tandil is a hard place to find people to teach. Its true. We have fantastic members who help us and accompany us and give us references but its hard to find people who are truly interested. However, Tandil is a place of Miracles. I am learning that I need to have faith and just work.  I am having to learn to have patience and faith  in the promises of the Lord.  Just like Nephi, I need to keep going and walk int he darkness a bit. The Lord doesn't just lead by light, but he lets us take the step in the darkness with faith. Once we do, he will help us find the light and guide us. This is necessary for us to grow. If he always just gave us the answers and success at the first try we wouldn't need to have faith.  (1 Nephi 4:6 and 7 "...E iba guiado por el Espíritu, sin saber de antemano lo que tendría que hacer. No obstante, seguí adelante...")

Les quiero!! I am glad to hear you are all doing well! Good job Daniel on your AP test and on singing at the farewell! Sarah, I'm glad it all turned out! have a great last week at home! mami and papi, I am glad the farewell turned out... now that its over... take a break and relax by spending quality time with Sarah and the family!!!

Hermana Zubeldia
Zona Tandil

The Hermanas in Tandil. Celebrating 11 months on my mission!

The hat a member in my Rama (Branch) made for me!

Look at my hair! It's grown a lot!

The hat a member made for me! She knited it in like an hour! She is so talented!!

My companion (Hermana Williams) and our new boots! Yes... we match!

Hermana Labriola! She invites us to lunch every week!

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