Monday, September 8, 2014

Families can be together forever - from México, to Spain to Argentina to USA

Dear Family,

How I love being a missionary. I love sharing the gospel and I love bearing testimony to everyone I meet that this is the True and Only gospel of Jesus Christ, the only Church that provides the necessary baptism, and that because of the restored gospel, our Families can be together forever! And this was more special to me because it was your 23rd wedding anniversary.  How wonderful it is to know that my family is an Eternal family!! Thank you mami and Papi for your wonderful example of great parents.

Valentin and his grandfather, just before the baptism.
This week our friend, Valentin, was baptized! He is such a ball of energy and was super excited to get baptized. His grandfather, who is the 1st counselor to the Bishop baptized him. Because his mother isn't a member we had the wonderful opportunity to teach Valentin. The next step now is to teach his parents and help his family also become an eternal family.  The elders in our ward also had a baptism. On Saturday we had an 8 year old and a 79 year old get baptized. It doesn't matter what age you are, the gospel is the same for everyone and we all need this baptism. It was a beautiful baptism.

Almost all of the investigators that we have been teaching or finding haven't wanted to progress that much. We are going to work a lot his week to help them progress and to continue to find new families to teach. Just today on our walk to the Cyber-café a member stopped us and gave us a reference to a family. He said that just this morning he talked with his friends and told them that he was going to send the missionaries! He walked away and said, "call me for their baptism!" Its wonderful to work with the members! Papi, I really like what that sister missionary said in our ward,  "Trust us with your friends, trust us with your referrals. It is not up to you to decide whether someone is ready to receive  the Gospel. Give your friends the opportunity to make that decision for themselves. Don't deny them that opportunity."

What she said is true, everyone needs the opportunity to hear the gospel. Its us, the members who offers it to them. If they accept great, if not, well, maybe next time.

Yesterday my companion and I were talking during our study time about how important it is to understand the Plan of Salvation. I studied about Agency.  Agency is the capacity to choose between good and bad. The way we use our agency in our life determines our happiness now and in the eternities. Everyday we make choices, and those choices through time build up and can either create a sure foundation or can break our foundation. In Abraham 3:25 it says that our Life is a period of trial for us to prove how we use our agency. (read 2 Nephi 2:16 and DyC 29:39.

I am so grateful for this wonderful gospel. I know that this Church is true and that there really is a prophet of god on this earth, a prophet like Moses. I know that Families can be together forever. I know that living the gospel really does make us happy. I want to invite you all to do what Pablo and Sarah said: To read the Book of Mormon and to pray to know if its true. If you do so,  you will know in your heart that is is true. And if its true, then Joseph Smith really was a Prophet. If he was a prophet then this is the TRUE church of JESUS CHRIST:

I love you all. I hope you have a great week


Hermana Susana Zubeldia

The plaza of Santa Rosa

My companion and I helped a member after her house flooded. It was raining a lot that day!
Guess who came to Santa Rosa?? Hermana Williams :) my old companion!

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