Monday, July 7, 2014

Tandil - El lugar soñado (the dreamed city)

Dear Family,

This week was fantastic!! I love my new companion! Hermana Burgos and I are so happy to be missionaries. We have a lot of new goals this transfer together here in Tandil. We are learning a lot and have been getting to know each other. One of the things that I love about my new companion is her testimony of the gospel. 10 years ago her family was baptized after her sister met the missionaries in Arequipa. Her family was prepared to meet the Gospel and I know that the Gospel has blessed their life tremendously. Hermana Burgos has a brother on the mission in Mendoza, Argentina. 

Yesterday was really windy and cold.
This week we have enjoyed the rain and the wind. Yesterday and Saturday, we got all wet from the rain and our faces froze from the cold wind that blew all day! (Nos mojamos con la lluvia y nos congelamos la cara y las manos con el viento helado!) Everyday is such an adventure!! I will never forget all of the things we are experiencing! There are so many stories to tell! 
Yesterday we found a great family that let us into their house because it was raining and because of the wind. They didn't seem that much interested in our message but they listened and asked a couple of questions. There is a reason why they were the only people that opened their door to us yesterday. :) The Lord leads his servants to his children who are ready to hear the gospel... even if they don't know it yet! :)

My new companion, Hermana Burgos.
We also found another great family this week. Hermana Burgos and I were knocking on doors before a lesson. We knocked on a door and a man came out. He said he knew us (me and my old companion Hermana Williams) because he drove us one time in his taxi. I didn't remember him at the moment but I agreed with him anyways :) He let us in and we got to know his whole family! They are so wonderful and different from other families that I have meet here. They were very kind and told us they would love it if we came back another day. We couldn't stay for more than 10 minutes because we had another lesson to go to! I  can't wait to go back and share with them the wonderful blessings of the Gospel that can change their life!
We have to bundle up in layers. It is so cold!!!
The elders in our zone are really trying to help us stay excited for the work. Its funny some of the things that they do to help us! One morning, they called us at 8 am exactly (the time we are supposed to start studying). They told us that they needed all 4 of us to go outside because they needed to talk to us. My first thought was, why are they outside? They should be studying... We went outside and they surprised us with a gallon of ice cream and told us thanks for all the work that we do! Scriptures were written on the carton of ice cream! Yep, it was the best breakfast ever -- ice cream!!!
Not only ice cream, we eat real food too!
This week our District (stake) started a challenge to read the Book of Mormon in 45 days! Us missionaries are going to do the challenge too! This means that each morning I have to read 14 pages of the Book of Mormon! Its a challenge but it has been a great experience. I am so grateful to get to read the Book of Mormon and feel the spirit each day. This book truly is inspired and contains the words of a loving heavenly father who wants to help us.
I know that the Book of Mormon is true. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and that he translated this ancient record for our time. I know that when we read the Book of Mormon we can gain a greater understanding that we really are children of God. I know that this church is the Church of Jesus Christ and that we have a prophet on the earth today -- a prophet just like Moses and Abraham. I know that Jesus Christ lives. I am so grateful to share this Gospel with the people in Argentina. I love being a missionary!!!
If I can give you one challenge this week, it is to open up the Book of Mormon and start reading. If you haven't read it before, I promise you that if you do, your life will be changed forever. I say this because my life has been changed.

Have a great week!
Les quiero muchísimo!
Hermana Zubeldia

Even inside our apartment we have to do our best to stay warm!

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