Monday, February 10, 2014

another hot week here in villa mitre

Hey Family!!!

¿Como está mi familia allí en Utah? Espero que todo esté bien y que estén teniendo una buena semana.

Con la Hermana Asencios comiendo bocadillos.
Well, this week was FANTASTIC!!! Besides being really really hot we worked a lot! We saw tons of miracles! Yesterday there were 14 people at church! I have never seen so many investigators at church before. 4/14 were our investigators, the other 10 being two families that the elders are teaching.

Presidente Parreño also spoke in our ward yesterday and shared his conversion story and shared his love for the mission work. It was what I needed to hear yesterday. Papi, it was as if I was listening to you speak. ;) I hope that one day you guys can meet Presidente Parreño and his wife Hermana Parreño, they are great mission presidents.

Also, Jorge gets baptized this week, this Saturday.

My packages came! Thank you so much for the two packages! The shirts are great and the candy is kinda melted haha! Also, thank you so much for the passalong cards and the little books about families. we have already started using the passalong cards. But I have a question... why did you send me Ley de Castidad Folletos?? My companion loved the warheads!

Well, this week I was studying a lot about hope. In Moroni 7 it talks about hope. In Moroni 7:40-42 it says that without hope we can't have faith. I know that as we hope for eternal life it will help us have faith in this life to continue going through the hard times. The mission is hard, but its worth all the effort. As I was thinking about hope, I realized that the gospel that I get to share allows people to have hope, hope in God, hope in life after death, hope that we can be eternally happy. I am so happy to be able to share this hope with others, hope to help them have faith to keep going and have a smile on their face!
Well, some of the funny things that happened this week,
1. Someone followed us down the street calling us Elders haha!
2. We got lost using the buses and ended up on the other side of Bahía Blanca!
3. There is a dog here in the cyber cafe. Dogs wonder around everywhere!!
4. There is a less active member in Punta Alta (in our stake) who is a Zubeldia!!! I haven't met him, but another sister missionary told me!

Thank you all for the emails and for the love and prayers!!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!!!!

Hermana Zubeldia

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